
Honywood School is committed to striving for 100% attendance, which is achieved by many learners in our school. The school regards attendance and punctuality of all learners as a priority. Our learners should aim to attend school regularly and punctually, on every day that the school is open, in order to maximise their educational achievement and social development.

What to do if your child is absent from school

If the learner is too unwell to attend school, a parent/carer must inform the school each day of absence by 8:30am.  This will allow the register to be marked with an authorised absence. The school can be notified by a telephone call to the attendance line 01376 561 231, option1, or attendance e-mail [email protected].  If a reason for absence is not received , a text via In Touch or a call home will take place during the school day. 

Medical Appointments

If the learner has a dental, doctor or other medical appointment, the school must be notified by the parent/carer either in writing to the attendance email address or by telephoning the attendance line before the appointment date.  It is the responsibility of the learner to notify the teacher of any learning session that they will miss in order to catch up with any work.

Holidays in term time

A leave of absence form must be completed if the parent/carer would like to apply for the learner to take time off.  The form can be downloaded from the school website or a copy collected from Learner Reception. The parent/carer must complete this form and return to Learner Reception.  Parents/carers are not allowed to take learners out of school during term time unless it is for exceptional circumstances.  If requesting a holiday during term time the request will be considered by the Head Teacher and you will be notified of the outcome in writing.  See our information on requesting Leave of Absence by clicking here.

What to do if your child is late for school

Occasionally, outside influences may mean that a learner is late for school for example, the bus service.  In this instance they must report immediately to the Learner Reception where they can sign in.  This is essential for health and safety reasons, for example, if there were a fire, we must know that they are on the school premises.

For further information please refer to the Honywood School Attendance Policy on the school website.